Track Closure


Unfortunatley the track will remain closed at this stage until Monday 9th October because of the repairs to the track not being completed due to bad weather earlier in the week.


At this stage the track will be closed for training and competition from 2nd October to 7th October 2023 inclusive for track repairs. We understand this falls at an awkward time, but the repairs need to be done and this is the time the contractors have allocated. 

Irrigation Works

Launceston City Council is currently undertaking the replacement of the irrigation system and upgrading of the water supply at the St Leonards Athletics Centre. We are asking all users of the venue to respect the work areas and equipment. If any issues arise we may be forced to close the venue until works are completed, which are scheduled for completion in September, weather dependant.

AGM 2023


The Annual General Meeting for Northern Tasmanian Athletics will be held on Tuesday 27 June 2023 at 6.30pm, Newstead Hotel Meeting Room.

All positions will be declared vacant and nominations close 22nd June 2023

Click on the link below for nomination form.

Nomination Form


Program for Saturday 25/03/2023

Please find below the timetable for this Saturday’s competition. We will require parents, coaches etc to assist on site to make this run smoothly.
Northern Tasmanian Athletics will be holding a BBQ at the end of competition on Saturday. We will be announcing our 2022-2023 Season Award Winners at this event and will arrange to have the Trophies presented to all recipients at a date and venue to be confirmed.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.




Long Jump






Sprint Hurdles


Pole Vault








High Jump





Program A timetable changes for Wednesday 15th March

Below is the adjusted program A timetable for Wednesday 15th March


Please remember entries close 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time
Men                       Women
Shot                       Put Shot Put            6.15
Sprint Hurdles        Sprint Hurdles         6.30
400m                                                      6.40
Discus                     Discus                     6.40
Triple Jump             Triple Jump             6.45
                               400m                       6.45
3000m                    3000m                     6.50
100m                                                      7.15
Hammer                 Hammer                  7.15
                               100m                       7.20
Long Jump              Long Jump             7.25
800m                                                     7.30
                               800m                      7.35
Walks                     Walks                      7.40

Fun night 21/12/2022

Hi all,

Just some information in regards to the fun night on Wednesday 21/12/2022..

The format has changed from a teams heptathlon to a handicap/fun night. You need to be signed in no later than 6.00pm to allow for handicapping and arranging of heats. Order of events will be:

6.30      Mile   (no handicap)
6.40 Approx   100m handicap heats
6.45   Approx    Chook throw
7.00    Approx   300m handicap
7.10     Approx    Standing long jump
7.20      Approx    100m handicap final
End of night BBQ

Track Closure due to Aust BMX Championships


Sunday November 20 to Sunday November 27 2022 (inclusive)

This is to advise all Athletes, Coaches and Parents that the St Leonards Athletic Track will not be available at all on the dates above, due to the Australian BMX Championships utilising the whole sporting complex.

There will be no vehicle access to the Complex at all. There will be 1500 competitors and spectators on site, who will attend from approximately 6.30am to 9.00pm each day. Security will be on site 24/7.

We will endeavour to advise of alternate training venues that will be available during this time.

We thank you for your understanding and as we ask you to respect this request. Please note, anyone trying to access the track for training will have their fob deactivated for a period of time.

Sandra Speers

President, Northern Tasmanian Athletics

Postponement of Interclub

Due to the road closures and limited access to St Leonards and the condition of the infield, the meet that was to be held tomorrow (15/10/2022) will be postponed to a later date.

NTA Board