Program Changes

Hi all,

Just a notification of a program date change and event change in program C on the 22nd Feb.
Program A scheduled for the 8th Feb has been moved back to Wednesday 5th starting at 6.00pm. This is to allow athletes to compete in the WRC showcase meet in Hobart on the 8th Feb. Attached is a copy of the twilight program.

Our programs on the 15th & 22nd of Feb will now be World Ranking Competitions with some adjustments to program C on the 22nd.  A draft timetable is attached.

Christmas Break up Fun night

The list of events for friday night, 20/12/2024 starting at 6.00 pm will be

2 x 1 minute mixed race
Chook throw
70m Beach start sprint
Standing Long Jump
Target Javelin
Swedish Relay, 2 people per team running alternate legs. Order 200m, 400m, 300m, 100m

Interclub events Sunday 17th Nov during multis

Listed below are the events and approx times for the events to be run between the multi events on Sunday morning 17th November. Register for your events in the normal manner 30mins before the scheduled start time.

9.55 am       100m
10.15 am     Long Jump
10.35 am     200m
11.00 am      Javelin
11.00 am     400m
11.30 am      800m

Pre Natioanls Meet 6/04/2024

Below is the timetable for Saturday 06th April pre nationals meet.

Please register for your event 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time


Sprint Hurdles


High Jump


400m Hurdles & 400m Flat










Long/Triple Jump


Shot Put


4 x 100m Relay

Program Timetable change for 20/03/2024

Please note timetable change for Wednesday 20/03/2024.  This is to allow for loss of daylight

Time Men Women
6.00pm Sprint Hurdles Sprint Hurdles
6.10pm 400m  
6.10pm High Jump High Jump
6.15pm   400m
6.25pm 3000m 3000m
6.35pm Discus Discus
6.40pm 100m  
6.45pm   100m
6.50pm 800m  
6.55pm   800m
7.00pm Walks Walks

Program for Wednesday 20/12/2023

Below is the timtable and events for Wednesday night 20/12/2023

6.30     70m

6.40     Standing Javelin   (500g Jav only to be used)

6.50     1000m

7.00     Standing Long Jump

7.15     300m

7.20     Chook Chuck

7.30     mixed 4 x 100m relay (any club, any gender)

Restriction on training times

Northern Tasmania Athletics and Athletics Tasmania are hosting the 10-12 Years Track and Field Nationals at St Leonards from 24 to 27 November 2023. We advise during this period that normal passholder training can be taken during the following hours:

Thursday 23 November: no restrictions apart from being aware that many championships participants will be familiarising at the venue
Friday 24 November: until 1.00pm
Saturday 25 November: until 1.00pm (although some teams will be having relay training as well during this period
Sunday 26 November: after 4.00pm
Monday 27 November: after 4.00pm